Control your fuel costs with precision and save money!
e-fuel is an innovative solution with advanced smart design which serves the needs of companies who wish to remotely observe and control fuel information in their company vehicles
e-fuel remote fuel administration:
- Measurement of fuel in the tank
- Automatic transmission of the measurement to your company
- Fuel/Kilometer Report
- Operates at all gas stations and refueling depots.
- Installation in all types of cars and trucks.
- Immediate economic and administrative benefits

Fuel is often the second biggest expense (after staff costs) on a Fleet Manager’s income statement. The module offers continuous and automatic recording of the level of fuel in the tank. Each differentiation in fuel quantity is determined in relation to the kilometers traveled, the moment in time, and the vehicle location on the map. We support a variety of methods to measure fuel – off the vehicle’s CAN-bus or using a fuel-flow meter.
Immediate economic and administrative benefits
Immediate information on the administration of fuel, thus avoiding fuel losses due to faulty invoicing, tank drainage, excessive consumption.
Continuous and automatic recording of the level of fuel in the tank.
Each differentiation in fuel quantity is determined in relation to the kilometers traveled, the moment in time, and the vehicle location on the map.
Absolutely automatic system operation, with no human intervention.
In combination with the kilometers and the speed of the vehicle, fuel consumption can be calculated with accuracy.
With e-fuel you may refuel at all gas stations and refueling depots.
Analytical reports for better control:
- Tank liters
- Kilometers
- Date / Time
- Location on map
e-fuel is comprised of the following :
Telematic Vehicle Device: The electronic device which is installed in the vehicle and constantly records the fuel quantity in the tank, the traveled kilometers, and the vehicle location. Vehicle tracking is performed through the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Communications: The GPRS network allows for the online update on the fuel quantity, the kilometers, and the position of your company’s vehicles.
Base station: The center of administration of your fleet. Through online communication with your vehicles you receive analytic reports so as to control the fuel costs and the operation of your vehicles:
- Fillings
- Drainages
- Consumption in relation to kilometers and cargo
- The installation of the fuel recording system e-fuel uses the manufacturer’s floater gauge.
- It can also be installed in vehicles with two tanks, even if they communicate.